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Earn 500$ in 27 Days Online Challenge 🔥🔥🔥 Start Now! izharmughal

Earn 500$ in 27 Days Online Challenge 🔥🔥🔥 Start Now!

Earn 500$ in 27 Days Online Challenge

 In the next couple of minutes, i will show you  step by step from scratch how you can make your  

first four or five hundred dollars in the next 27  days this article is a challenge not only for you  

also for me maybe this article is one of the best articles i have ever published here on my website  

what I will show you works from any country  worldwide you don't need a website you don't  

need audience we'll start from scratch and what's  really awesome it is totally free all the tools  

you are going to use are totally free so you  don't have any excuse if you are ready let's start

hi everyone I’m izhar ul Haq from pk jobs and today I’m so  happy to publish this new awesome article if it's  

your first time here on my website here i publish an article about digital marketing online business  


start together without wasting any single second  so i don't want to explain concepts let's go like  

to my screen and start implementing our strategy  today open your web browser and go to system dot  

i o you'll find the link in the description below  anyway why i chose this application this service  

because simply it's free forever and no credit  card is required so you don't have any excuse to  

start just go and sign up now in my case i have an  account because i already started the strategy so  

i will log in to my account you can see i have  some data here because i started two days ago with  

this strategy i am sharing with you a real live  case study real data real strategy i am testing  

and i am challenging myself with you in this  strategy so what is the system i o it is simply a  

marketing automation system you can do everything  in one place email marketing building sales  

funnels managing your contacts automation even  building blogs selling products building courses  

it's really an awesome service i tested it last  week it's really awesome it's totally free just  

sign up here and go to funnels so now we did the  first step we have now a free account in the system  

dot I o the second step is to pick your niche  and what niche you are going to work what is your  

topic about in my case i chose digital marketing  online business affiliate marketing it's my niche  

it is my world in your case you can pick whatever  you want or simply follow up with me in the same  

niche it's up to you so what i did is i created  this small pdf the affiliate marketer toolkit  

please don't tell me i don't know how to write  and so on you will not write anything you will see  

now how easy is it to build something like this it  is like 18 pages showing some tools and services  

that helps affiliate marketers so the second step  is you have to build a toolkit like this one now  

in my case, i use simply PowerPoint you can use  PowerPoint also you can see it's in PowerPoint  

here i just created this small affiliate marketing  toolkit so what is a toolkit it's not an ebook  

we're not explaining anything here we just share  tools for affiliate marketers in my case tools  

for digital marketers tools for WordPress tools  for online marketers tools for email marketing  

resources for health and fitness resources and  tools for financial services and so on so whatever  

your niche is you have to build a small  toolkit like this collect tools in your niche  

and create a small toolkit like this one you can  see like this service here link dot me then CB  

snooper for Clickbank then we have analyzer then  we have canva then we have Grammarly all these  

are services and tools that help affiliate  marketers to manage their business and get  

more sales like constant contact like Bluehost all  these are services that help affiliate marketers  

so you are going to create a toolkit like this  one how to do this to make things easy for you  

just go to google and search as an  example for WordPress tool kit let's go  

this one WordPress toolkit let's say here  affiliate marketer toolkit let's see this one  

let's say this one we will have  a lot of articles online sharing tools resources  

for a specific niche or topic like in this  case about WordPress toolkit you will see here  

these are the tools that are mentioned and help people who are working with WordPress you can just  

copy the same tools the same kits the same thing  and create a pdf or a PowerPoint uh throughout  

these articles like this for affiliate marketers I use these articles to build my kit i use them you  

can see here flip Pasteur sales semrush each all  these are tools that will help affiliate marketers  

you can see other websites so you collect tools  and resources in a certain niche and you create  

this small affiliate or this toolkit in my case  it's affiliate as i told you it's up to you you  

can follow up with me and create an affiliate  marketing toolkit or simply go with your niche  

it depends if you have a business if you are a  newbie i don't know it depends it's up to you just  

create a toolkit in a specific niche but after  you create this toolkit you have to be careful  

what you are going to do is to fill this  toolkit with links like in my case let's say  

here we have Grammarly this tool will help you  by creating or writing emails writing blog posts  

it will help any affiliate marketer if you hover  over this link you will see it is my own short  

link h dash y dot me if you are following you know  these are my links for my business again here is  

my link all these are affiliate links so you will  fill this toolkit with affiliate links maybe links  

to your website, if you have one the idea is to  fill it with links especially affiliate links and  

to track these links and to track these links  it's better to use a link shortener now in my case  

if you are following me you know I use my shortener it's called link dot me now link dot  

me it's not free as an alternative you can use  simply bitly which is a free link shorter service  

you just need to shorten your links so you can  track them in my case you can see here all these  

affiliate kit all  these are short links to track the links inside  

this pdf or this affiliate toolkit we got  the idea so you create a toolkit fill it with  

links with affiliate links till now I think the  idea is somehow simple we created a small ebook  

we signed up for simple I owe filled up with  affiliate links and now we are ready to start  

scaling and promoting and building our money-making machine our automated business now before  

we continue you may ask me from where I will get  the affiliate links I’m a beginner I don't have  

any affiliate link till now I explained this in  detail on my channel but it's enough to watch  

three videos in my channel I published maybe  two of them last week you can see this one  

best affiliate marketing programs for beginners I showed you some programs that are the best  

programs for beginners doesn't require approvals  you can sign up and get the links directly  

or simply add up ten dollars per sign  up with these seven affiliate links  

or the seven affiliate marketing programs watch  it and then go down and watch this video how  

I do affiliate marketing my strategies will  help you a lot to understand how to get affiliate  

links how to track them and much much more these  three videos are enough for you to understand  

how to do affiliate marketing of course I have  a lot of case studies here and video tutorials  

you can watch them if you want to learn more  about affiliate marketing and see real case  

studies and real case scenarios anyway we have  now the kit the pdf and this is our account in  

system io so what I did please from now on you  have to focus very well because I’m going to show  

It is very important to stop before we continue I have a small giveaway for you as I mentioned  

Link. I am not free it costs around 99-lifetime access in this video I will give three of you  

full access to link dot me if you are interested  just comment below that you are in this giveaway  

not only that in this video we have another interesting giveaway so stay tuned and keep  

watching and please do me a favor if you find this  video helpful till now you learn something new  

anything just smashes the like button this will help  me grow my channel and reach more people worldwide  

let's continue what you will do here is to create  a new funnel the funniest section click on create  

and then click on build an audience and let's name  it toolkit anything you can name it toolkit funnel  

say build an audience create  and now we have the funnel  

we have the squeeze page which is the main landing  page where people can enter their emails and get  

the affiliate toolkit or the toolkit you have  and then the thank you page is very nice so here  

you can simply pick a template we have a lot of  templates I use this one click on select this one  

simple and here you can click on edit page we will  have the editor here you can change this book page  

in my case I added this page here you will see now  in a little bit enter just change this title and  

keep everything like this that's enough then what  you are going to do is to go to automation rules  

here let me show you my funnel that will make  things easier for you let's go to funnels back  

here is my affiliate funnel case study that I started two days ago you can see let's open it  

this is my toolkit and this is the opt-in  box here okay so when someone clicks let's  

go to automation rules when someone subscribes to  this form what will happen is I will tag him with  

affiliate marketers tag then I will send him an  email to download the affiliate toolkit super easy  

so if you go into contacts you will see  that those emails here are tagged with affiliate  

marketers so I can categorize my contacts my email  list let's go back to funnels again to my funnel  

then after that they will go to the thank you page  the thank you page automation rules I simply say  

subscribe this person this contact the affiliate  marketers campaign you will see how this is very  

important right now because if we go back here  to emails campaigns you will see I created also  

a campaign if you open it you will see I have eight emails inside it and I got  

and I sent the first email I got only to  open five percent open rate it's okay so  

you will also create a campaign a series of  emails that you will send to your contacts  

to anyone who is subscribing so how to  do this is simply go to campaigns again  

create say test camp now anything save campaign  then open this test campaign and add an email you  

can use the classic editor or the visual editor  to create an email at the subject line whatever  

you won’t let's say as this creates and you can  edit the email like this at whatever you want  

in the email save changes now we will have in the  campaign section test campaign we have this email  

then another email and so on till you build a  list of emails that will be sent to your contacts  

automatically like every other day as you can see  here in my campaigns and my affiliate marketers  

The canvas that I launched I have around eight emails  that will be sent every two days and in each email  

I have links to affiliate mark products to  my web pages to my products to anything you  

want or simply can just give value to  build trust with your audience with your contact  

list remember that till now I have around 100 lets’s say let's see how much I got in the stats i  

have around 145 opt-ins so in the last two days in  the last 48 hours I built my email list with 145  

emails the conversion rate was around 25  not bad so I think now you got the idea  

how to build this system so to sum things up you  build a toolkit field of tools and affiliate links  

you go to customer io you sign up you build a  funnel with an opt-in page to collect emails  

and then you build a campaign to send emails  to your contacts to build trust and relation  

with your new contacts and you keep going to build  your email list in this way you are promoting the  

toolkit giving value and promoting the affiliate  links inside a toolkit and inside the image you  

are sending but not directly always make sure to  take them to a landing page that you can build  

inside system io or simply what's nice you can  create a small blog here inside create  

a blog look at this view blog you can create  a small blog and send your users also to your  

small blog insights with io it's totally free  can do everything for free just think about it  

be somehow creative and apply this awesome  strategy now the main problem of course  

the main question you will ask now okay this is  my landing page how I got traffic to this landing  

page how I get people to see this page to get  their emails and build the email list to answer  

this question let's explain the strategy why I said 27 days because simply I gave you seven days  

to understand the strategy to implement it set  up your system to create the landing pages  

to shorten the link to sign up to affiliate links  and so on you don't need more than seven days  

after you build the system and you have this  system ready automated you just need to get  

traffic to this link here from now on the second  20 days is about only getting the traffic you just  

work every day for two hours to get traffic  how to get traffic I always repeat the same  

in every video, everyone is asking about traffic  and in my channel here I have a full free course  

about traffic please go and watch it it is a full  free course showing all my strategies you can see  

here is how to get traffic to your website 2021 all  my methods are explained in 30 minutes everything  

you have to know about getting traffic is in  this video you also have another video here  

you can watch how to increase website traffic  in one week I explained everything please go and  

learn watch and learn just somehow some discipline  just try to learn to negate some time to learn  

ask me to join our telegram group ask me I’m active  almost every day ask questions I will try my best  

to help you comment below I will try my best to  answer your questions let's just do some work  

stop again it's time for the second giveaway  in this video to help you I will pick also  

three people who are interested and I will give  them a free promotion you know I have this service  

promoting any business with CPM based banner ads I will give it to three people in this giveaway  

interesting comment below again don't forget if you  like to help me help my channel grow more help me  

reach more people help more people just smash the  like button subscribe and turn on notifications  

to get every new update so the next 20 days about  getting the traffic you can go with only three methods  

or you can pay for traffic if you want  like in my case like yesterday I tested  

yuri me solo ads I ordered two solo ads from  these two sellers I got around 300 or 570 clicks  

because in this challenge I don't want to use my  audience I don't want to use my website I want to  

get traffic from outside my audience from outside  my website so from now on I will try my best to  

get traffic from Pinterest from Cora and all the other traffic sources and you will see  

the next week then we two weeks later till we  reach 27 days how much I will earn from this  

The strategy I will share with you all the results on  my telegram channel week by week so if you want to  

follow up you can join our telegram channel I hope  you enjoyed this video I know it's somehow fast  

I try my best not to make it boring I hope you  got the idea again if you have any questions  

anything you want I will be waiting for you in  the comment section below or on the contact us  

Thanks for reading

Earn 500$ in 27 Days Online Challenge 🔥🔥🔥 Start Now! izharmughal Reviewed by Izhar ul haq on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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